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About the Author


Hi. My name is Talia Belowich, and this is my first time writing fiction. I am a senior at the University of Michigan studying biopsychology and writing. I work as the Editor-In-Chief of Sweetland's literary journal "Writer to Writer," the Managing Editor of Consider Magazine, and an Opinion Columnist at The Michigan Daily. In my free time I enjoy cooking without a recipe and spending time with my girlfriend Sari.

When I set out to write a series of psychological thrillers for my Minor in Writing Capstone, I had no idea just how challenging it would be. Figuring out how to make a perfectly realistic plot in a perfectly fictional world was no easy task, but my love for prose and knack for in-depth characterization carried me through – as did my professor and advisor, Raymond. So with a lot of false confidence and a vision of a reader breaking out in chills, I successfully completed my short story collection. 

to learn more about my process of writing "Horrors of 1898"

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